Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Catching Up....Wednesday, 4/6

I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with this. It's been night after night: driving, setting up, playing, tearing down, crashing in a strange house or hotel....and repeating the same process the next day. It's been crazy and hard traveling and I am running from some sort of allergy monster.'s all been worth it. The shows have been good, I've been making new friends and influencing people. The good news is that there are music lovers everywhere.

After my great stay in New Orleans, I headed to Orange Beach, Alabama to play a couple of gigs. I sat in with Cowboy Johnson on Thursday night at the North Shore Grill and we played until we dropped. Next day, April 1st, April Fool's Day, I took some time to walk on the beach....then headed up to Birmingham, where I played a cool club called, Moonlight on the Mountain. Bob Dylan showed up and jammed with me at the end.

Saturday, it was onward to Georgia! My first Georgia gig was a house concert in Atlanta hosted by James Locher. Sunday, I was on the road again, this time to Athens. I played a great concert series hosted by singer-songwriter, Caroline Aiken. Caroline's home is on the Oconee River, a beautiful backdrop for music. She sat in and played some songs and Coleman Barks did a Rumi recitation over some 12 bar blues. After the show, we heard that a river monster left over from April 1st abducted the only 20 year old virgin in Athens, GA.....she still hasn't been heard from...

Monday, 4/4, I was back in Atlanta; 'Live and in person' on WRFG, (Radio Free Georgia). The highlight for me was when host Marc Miller surprised me with a song from my son Tucker's CD, called 'Ship Without A Sea'. (I skyped Tucker, who is living in India, and let him listen to it over the phone.)

Last night, Tuesday, 4/5, I played at world famous, Eddie's Attic, in Decatur, GA, right outside of Atlanta. Tomas Ramirez, the Jazzmanian Devil sax player from the Jerry Jeff/ Lost Gonzo days sat in on the last few songs and blew the roof off!

Today...on the road ....I'm on my way through the mountains to Johnson City, Tennessee. I've got a show tonight at a club called the 'Down Home'. I'll keep you posted....